Tuesday, November 20, 2012

queen me

So I took these pictures yesterday but couldn't find the energy capacity to actually upload them. BLOGGING PROBZ UGH. I got this baby blue blouse (you can see where my English-10 alliteration skills come in handy) at Modcloth over the summer during their end-of-the-summer-hurrah sale. I was kind of disappointed about the overall quality and sheerness of the shirt (but who am I kidding, it was 13 dollars). The dangly pieces of fabric in the front are actually two separate pieces that are attached to each shoulder. When I first bought the shirt, the pieces came together in the middle held only in place by a single thread. I had a pretty good feeling that it would eventually come out after I'd washed it a few times (it did), so now I hold it in place with a bobby pin. Oh, and there are also some minor holes behind each of the fabric pieces. I guess this is what 13 dollars on Modcloth buys me. If it would have been some Esther Williams inspired dress, then I probably would've cried.

I got these shorts at Forever 21 for probably around 16 or 17 dollars. They're ridiculously cute (AND high-waisted) but I wish I could've gotten a better picture 'cause it was already getting dark outside (even though it was only like 6 o'clock) by the time I was ready to take pictures of these hot pants and the lighting started to get icky. These shorts pretty much spawned from the same womb as my Modcloth shirt. One of the buttons had fallen off so I tried to sew it back on, but when I did that with my machine, the needle cracked it in half. Using my half-ass sewing abilities, I tried sewing on a little heart-shaped button that was about the same color as the other buttons, but it fell out a week later.  You let me down Forever 21 (not that they hadn't before, pff).

 Hopefully in the coming months I'll be able to get a job so I can actually buy some decent clothes rather than buying a bunch of semi-cute, wadded up items on the clearance rack.

Nina x

Sunday, November 18, 2012

I am the illegitimate child of Gwen Stefani.

So yesterday I felt kind of special because I looked totally fab in this outfit I threw together. I think I can easily vouch for a lot of people by saying that online shopping is Satan himself. Since when was clashing ever a fashion "don't"? I find that it looks both appealing to the eye (I mean c'mon, just look at me) and it's just so fun to wear. I couldn't help but feel like Ms. Bellum (sp?) in these photos because her face was always hidden by her huge red fro. I feel like she'd either look like Scarlett Johansson or Christina Hendricks. And she had a great bod as well. Kinda adds to the suspense I guess. 

Dress from Target; Top; vintage (from Etsy)

There was also a No Doubt pin on my collar but it fell off and now I hate myself. Just pretend that Gwen's bleached hair is strategically placed next to my Dresden Dolls pin.

Friday, November 16, 2012




Little bit about myself...

I'm 15 which means I spend my days crying over Jim and Pam's relationship on 'The Office' and I often enjoy wearing bindis and eating Thai food and not exercising. I often compare myself to Quasimodo because of the lasting effects of me being hunched over the computer. I'M ACTUALLY A GOOD STUDENT DON'T JUDGE.

Onward, you say?

I really hope I can make a commitment to dedicate myself to this blog. I want it to consist of mainly fashion related business and makeup and all that good stuff in between. Get ready for a lot of selfies as well.

Fave bloggers:

Hope you can join me in my blogging pursuits! ^-^

Nina x