Friday, April 5, 2013

Cry-Baby Walker

I was in Denver for my spring break (or what was left of it) but spent a day in Boulder where I went vintage-ing at this store called Goldmine. My life literally ends when I can't fit into a 1972 pair of baby blue super flares or a long sleeved, button up, Gunne Sax blouse. SMALL SIZES ARE OVER!! To channel my inner Victorian vibes, I like to sweat it out on Etsy where there is literally nothing you can't find. I'm gonna name my first born child Etsy because I'm just doin' me ya kno?? Etsy. So far, I'm looking at the Gunne Sax tag and everything just looks like something Laura Ingalls Wilder would wear???? Can we not????? I'M CHANNELING GOTH VIBES NOT 1860'S PILGRIM IDK UGH. Do I even know the definition of a pilgrim ((probably not)).

1970s Gunne Sax Pale Blue Gown (not available anymore but here's the shop)
It's a damn shame this dress sold but I don't think I would've even bought it due to the fact that I rarely buy anything over 30 dollars ((cus I'm a bargain shopper let's face it)) unless it's imperative (i.e. the entirety of this shop).

Top and bottom: This gleaming shop I mentioned previously
I have no idea what to do when these things come into my life because I'm 16 and unemployed ((maybe not for long though because things might be looking up for this job opening at Cafe Patachou!!!)) so money is always TBA.

If any of you are aware of my tumblr, I posted pictures of my DIY Peplum Skirt ((thanks Marlena!)) that I ((made out of a bedsheet)) really wanna show off! Sidenote: Should I change my URL/Title to Narcissist Nina?? That pretty much sums up my life.

xox Nina

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